So much art
So much art
a very pixely boi
Hey Tyhond, just curious what software do you draw with?
For my Vector Artworks, Scratch. For the final render with the glow and lighting, I use Vectr but that website has gotten worser so I wouldn't recommend.
Middle one best imo
Don't worry I saw the vid where you draw'd it
thank you!
so it's like an octopus or squid?
A Squid Avali! :D Half Squid, Half Harpy-like
Its like the house the one of the house at the house by a house
House, M.D.
the third one is my fav
Thank you! ^-^ She is cute! =3
Boris is a dog.
So he is.
I run an animated show on YouTube called Garfenbopper the show.
@GarfenbopperProductions on youtube
Joined on 4/2/24