Poster Jopi looks cool! also my favorite 2D platformer is New Super Mario Bros. 2
Poster Jopi looks cool! also my favorite 2D platformer is New Super Mario Bros. 2
That's fun! :D Thank you!
I like the little bounce the train does
There's a lil' rock on the track :>
Awesome! I really like how you made the strawberries!
Thank you! It's hard to add the seed in so I made it seedless :P
Cool poster! Really!
Awesome job! My fav is the lamp one
Incredible! I love dhmis and you did an awesome job with this! I expecially like the way you did the window lighting
This is really cool! I love how grumpy the bird looks
The bird is badass
I run an animated show on YouTube called Garfenbopper the show.
@GarfenbopperProductions on youtube
Joined on 4/2/24