why did it get so scary
why did it get so scary
Ayyyy bendy! I love Batim!
Whats art block and how can I help?
People call it "art block" when an artist struggles to come up with any ideas to draw next or their drawings aren´t appealing to themselves anymore. Is basically losing the creativity/motivation to keep drawing for a while lol
Different things will be effective for different people, like experimenting with their art, listening to music, playing videogames and more. And thanks for your concern! I´m slowly gaining the enjoyment to keep drawing frequently again so it´s all good! I aprecciate your attention either way :>
lampwick looks pretty cool!
Reminds me of pokemon
Ooh great job with the expressions!
did my brain break I am seeing the numbers and letters mixed
N0 d@ts hao piconjo t@lk$ t0_@Ny01 h3 pwnes w!t h1z p3n0r
very nice hat
it sure is
I run an animated show on YouTube called Garfenbopper the show.
@GarfenbopperProductions on youtube
Joined on 4/2/24